We have new lower prices on both Forklift Engine kits as well as new lower prices on individual parts. We are dedicated to providing our customers with the lowest prices for you.
- 3.0 GM from $674.49 to $634.09
- FEBOK from $438.20 to $423.59
- FE/F2BOK from $489.13 to $494.40
- VABOK from $540.80 to $544.81
- 4G54UBOK from $421.14 to $425.05
- 4G54BOK fron $509.94 to $513.85
S4SBOK, Tom, this kit needs two part prices already in the kit changed. Please do the following: Change the overhaul gasket set 32A94-00010 from $362.70 to $124.22,also the rod bearing set
32A19-09010-4 from $59.74 to $39.88. Then change the kit price S4SBOK from $917.09 to $640.55
S6SBOK from $928.79 to $887.90
H25BOK from $386.65 to $353.12
4YBOK from $499.30 to $507.13